
5 ways to speed up your phone

My new phone has 8 cores, so why is it still lagging?

Does it seem strange that your new phone has 2GB of RAM, but still doesn’t run as smoothly as your friend’s old phone that only has 512MB? Let Clean Master show you exactly why this happens!

Problem 1: Pre-installed applications

Almost all phones these days come with apps already installed on the device, put there by the manufacturers. Research shows that these apps alone can take up about 30% of your phone’s resources, even though most people find them useless or troublesome. If you don’t turn these apps off, they can severely impact the performance of your phone even when it’s brand new.

Solution: Open Clean Master, enter into App Manager, tap on ‘pre-installed apps’, and remove the ones that you don’t need.

Problem 2: RAM Management

Due to the way the Android system manages its RAM, once you open an app it keeps running in the background even if it’s not doing anything useful. If you use a lot of apps at once, the system can get clogged up very quickly.

Solution: Open Clean Master, head to the Memory Boost section, then tap on ‘BOOST’. Clean Master will close all of these idle apps for you instantly, speeding up your phone again.

Problem 3: Games slow your phone

Modern phone games look very pretty and can be doing a lot of work behind the scenes, which can put a lot of pressure on your phone’s memory and processing power. If you find that your games sometimes freeze or stutter, it’s because the phone doesn’t have enough memory free at that time and is busy trying to free up memory from other places. This is quite difficult for it to do on the fly, which causes the hitching.

Solution: Open Clean Master, head to the Memory Boost section, then tap on ‘Game Boost’. Follow the instructions from here, and you can ensure that your games will always run smoothly from now on.

While boosting your game, Clean Master can also shut down background apps which use the internet, which ensures your online games will not lag or have other problems. Regardless of if you’re using 2G, 3G, or anything else, you can improve your connection speed and prevent against disconnects interrupting your gameplay.

Normally, when the amount of RAM available is under 700MB, your phone will gradually start to overheat, will become slower, and may even freeze up or crash. Use Clean Master to keep as much RAM available as possible, and enjoy everything that your phone is capable of!

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